I am

Harman Deep Singh

Passionate about Solving Problems and Visualising Data

About Me

I am a final year undergraduate student pursuing B.Tech. Computer Science from Guru Nanak Dev Univeresity, Amritsar. I love solving problems and visualising data.


Fetal Distress Classification

Deep Learning

Project to save innocent infant lives using Cardiotocography and CNN image classification.

Achieved accuracy more than Experts


Land Explorer

Data Visualisation

Dashboard to visualize Land use data interactively


Kaggle Quora Insincere Questions Classification

Deep Learning

RNN model to identify and flag insincere questions. Implemented Dynamic Meta-Embeddings for Improved Sentence Representations.

Reached Top 22%


Real Estate Website

Web Development

Search Property listings. Show, update information of different listings. Developed in Django.



Data Visualisation

An interactive visualisation interface for Xarrays


Customer management system for Gym

Web Development

Add, show, update information of customers. Automatic notifications for fees payment.


MOOCs Taken

MOOCs have played a significant part in boosting my knowledge besides providing me the opportunity to learn exciting and state of the art technologies. Given below is the list of courses that I have completed and recommend to everyone for deep learning.

  1. Neural Networks and Deep Learning by DeepLearning.ai on Coursera
  2. Improving Deep Neural Networks by DeepLearning.ai on Coursera
  3. Structuring Machine Learning Projects by DeepLearning.ai on Coursera
  4. Convolutional Neural Networks by DeepLearning.ai on Coursera
  5. Practical Deep Learning for Coders Part 1 by fast.ai
  6. Cutting Edge Deep Learning for Coders Part 2 by fast.ai In progress


I led my team to the Grand Finale of SIH. We designed a neural network for Fetal Distress Classification. This gave me an opportunity to work with indusrty experts and solve the real world problems being faced by the Medical Industry all over the world. It significantly boosted my technical, leadership and time management skills besides exposing me to a wide variety of new ideas.

I also led my team to Hack Zero To One 2.0. Besides amazing hackathon this provided me an opportunity to interact with and know more about entrepreneurs in Amritsar. We got second position in this competetive event.


Feel free to contact and discuss ideas